
📐 Education

Zhejiang University (ZJU),  Zhejiang,  China 2018-2022
B.S. Major in Biomedical Engineering (BME)
B.S. Minor in Intensive Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ITP)

The first Lv Weixue laboratory class in ZJU 2019-2022

Summer exchange to City University of HongKong (CityU) Aug. 2019

Exchange to National University of Singapore (NUS) 2021-2022
Final Year Project  instructed by Dan wu and Zhiwei Huang

Zhejiang University (ZJU),  Zhejiang,  China Now
M.Sc. Major in Biomedical Engineering (BME)

🤹🏽 Skills

Familiar with

python anaconda bash numpy pytorch git c github vscode


pycharm vim pandas matlab blogdown RStudio R opencv cmake linux Ubuntu


c++ html css js vue django eth jekyll opencv cmake linux Ubuntu


🔥 Projects

SketchPad Apr – Jun. 2019
It was my first project in college. It was a simple program based on an old graphics library which created in 1995, can draw image of polynomial function. In this project, I built the whole structure of the code and organize my team to code different part to make it done. It was really exciting to stay up all night to code and when it was finished, I almost cried that time. https://github.com/PinkR1ver/SketchPad

Smooth Boy Aug. 2020
Smooth Boy is a WeChat app that can evaluate a person’s skin quality and recommend skin care products and it was especially developed for young male teenage who purchase for beauty. It was a real self-learning project as well. In this project I design the UI and code the core part of the app to achieve the function of detecting the person’s face. https://github.com/PinkR1ver/Smooth-Boy

SRTP, 3D tooth segmentation based on deep learning 2020-2021
This project targets at instance segmentation given images on teeth . We have implemented a semantic segmentation to detect teeth and gintiva using PointNet, and then drawn the bounding boxes to do instance segmentation on every single teeth using 3D-BoNet.

FYP, Radiogenomic Analysis of Glioblastoma with Deep learning Techniques 2021-2022
I finish this FYP instructed by Zhiwei Huang in NUS. This project contains three part. MRI image segmentation by U-Net, radiomics features extraction by pyradiomics, and feature vector classification by machine learning such as random forest. https://github.com/PinkR1ver/Radiogenemics–on-Ivy-Gap

🏆 Honors

Zhejiang University Scholarship - Third Prize 2018-2019

📰 Publications

None right now…